Friday, November 14, 2008

Mr. Potato Head and Buzz Lightyear

This year for Halloween we decided to dress the boys up like characters from Jake's favorite movie Toy Story. Jake is obsessed with Buzz Lightyear. The day we got his costume he had to put it on in the store. After we got Jake's costume we we trying to decide what character Caden would be. I really wanted him to be Mr. Potato Head but I couldn't find a costume anywhere. So with my mom's help I made my first Halloween costume. I was so happy with how it turned out and I think Caden made one cute Potato Head.
For Halloween Huntington Beach closes main street downtown and sets up a little carnival. The had pony rides, bouncy castles, petting zoo, etc..and all the local business handed out candy. Jake had such a fun time and the best part was it is all just have to get down there early before it gets too busy.

Jake trying on Caden's costume...they are about the same size


jess said...

I am impressed! Oh, the things we do for these little ones! What cuties!

jess said...

Hey, I am just catching up on your Blog, and I read you went to NEIL! Did you love it?! Hey, he still puts on a pretty good show eh? There are too few NEIL fans these days...

Jeff and Stephanie said...

You kids are so super cute! Plus - still love that you made the potato head costume! So rad!

Kami Banks said...

I love the costume. You did a great job. I am getting Christmas card ready. You are still at the same address in Huntingtion, right?I hope all is well. Loves

Jod Jas Curtis said...

Cutest lil' potato head & Buzz ever! Your kids are little hotties :) I can't believe you got to go to Neil Diamond- sweet! It makes me want to go watch "Saving Silverman" - you need to see it, if you haven't already.

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures!