We have been able to do a lot of fun things with the kids the past month. One of my favorite is going to the Santa Ana zoo. It is a really small zoo but perfect for a 2 yr old with a very short attention span. It is only $2 also so if he throw a little temper tantrum you are not out much money. Jakes favorite things to do there are feed the goats and ride the train. 
Jake with his friends on the train
Our other favorite fall activity is to go to Disneyland. The temperature has cooled down plus all the it is usually not busy because everyone has done there summer vacations and school kids are back in school. Jake is obsessed with Buzz lightyear. His favorite ride is the new toystory ride and he love to watch the Pixar Parade.

I hate that we have season passes that we can't use!!! SO sad. I hate that you guys have fun without us. :)
I was talking about passes to Disneyland, not to the Santa Ana zoo. ;)
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